Sensory-Motor Hand Impairment
The Neuroengineering Lab is recruiting participants for several research studies for clinical applications. Please contact us if you are interested to participate and fit the inclusion criteria for any of the studies listed below!
NCCR Grassroot Project - SENSIBLE-EXO
Restoring motor and SENSory functIons with a wearaBLE sensorized hand EXOskeleton (SENSIBLE-EXO) is a project founded by the National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCR) in collaboration between the Rehabilitation Engineering Lab and the Neuroengineering Lab of ETH Zurich.
The project aims to combine a hand wearable exoskeleton (Tenoexo) with sensory feedback based on transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TENS), promising enhanced grasp support for people with sensorimotor hand impairment.
The Sensible Exo aims to achieve an increased grasping force and range of motion of the fingers through functional electrical stimulation of the finger muscles, supporting the grasping of bigger and heavier objects. Furthermore, the Sensible Exo aims to provide the user with a sensory feedback, informing about the object- hand interaction. We will explore the additional benefit of the electrical n stimulation in these tasks, i.e., how well the user can perform standardized tasks with the assistance of the Sensible Exo (exoskeleton with electrical stimulation) compared to with the assistance of the tenoexo (only exoskeleton).
Inclusion criteria
- Subjects > 18 years with an impairment of the motor and sensory functions of the hand in chronic stage.
- Ability to give informed consent and understand the tasks involved
- Good proximal function of arm
Exclusion criteria
- Major untreated depression
- Major cognitive and/or communication deficits
- Major comprehension and/or memory deficits
- Pregnancy
- Epilepsy
- Pacemakers
Contact Information
Sara Bellomo, Research Assistant,
Dr. Giacomo Valle, Postdoctoral researcher,
Dr. Andrea Cimolato, Postdoctoral researcher,
Prof. Dr. Stanisa Raspopovic, Assistant Professor,
Ethical Approval Number: EK 2021-N-122