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Welcome at the Neuroengineering Lab

We focus on the development of knowledge and tools for treatment of neurologically disabled (amputees and diabetics) persons, based on the deep understanding achieved through the computational modeling of nervous system interaction with electric field. To achieve these goals we are acting in an extremely interdisciplinary environment, composed of work in hardware, physics, programming, physiological and clinical expertise.

In particular we develop mechatronic systems directly interfacing the environment with the residual nervous system, and we investigate different type of coding (“neuronal language”) through direct injection of the current above amputation or damage. We also work closely with collaborators in the animal and human testing of these systems. Main application areas are the fields of assistive devices, rehabilitation and bioelectronics medicine.

Exciting research advancements and open students positions

Are you curious about the research and innovation happening at the Neuroengineering Lab - ETHZ?

Here are our latest publications on:

  1. Pain monitoring and treatment with AI and neurostimulation using an online BCI. (external page Check it here)
  2. Restoring the sense of touch. We study the naturalness of non-invasive electrical stimulation for natural sensory feedback (external page Check it here) and we proposed an innovative AI calibration for invasive stimulation. (external page Check it here)
  3. A digital platform combining VR and neurostimulation towards stroke rehabilitation. (external page Check it here)
  4. Modeling. We developed FootSim (external page Check it here), modeling the foot sole cutaneous afferent and ProprioStim (external page Check it here), encoding proprioception via neurostimulation. With both articles, we provide the code to replicate and use our models.
  5. Electrode design for effective and selective peripheral nerve interface . (external page Check it here)

We have several master theses available for next fall semester. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in neuroengineering applications, including pain, VR, AI, neurostimulation, rehabilitation and modeling! Check them here

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Feeling legs again through neurostimulation improves amputees’ health (Nature Medicine)
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Leg amputees feel and use the prosthesis as a real limb (STM)

Last News

FENS Forum 2022 in Paris

Contributions to the 8th International Summer School of Neuroengineering

2022 Neuroelectronic Interfaces Gordon Research Conference

Recent MYLEG successes

Prof. Raspopovic holds lecture at Brain Stimulation Conference

World-wide news about our latest achievements (in different languages)
World-wide news about our latest achievements (in different languages)

Last Publications

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